Sunday, April 29, 2007

This week by the Numbers

2 Number of Geocaches Dad and I found this weekend in his new car.

3 Childbirth Classes Completed 2 to go.

$2.959 – 2.999 The range of the price of Gas I observed Friday traveling to Michigan Not counting the two outliers of $2.899 & $2.879. I bought gas at the $2.879 price.

4 Number of time Danielle and I have Attended Emanuel Baptist Church, Xenia

4 Number of new counties that I found a Geocache in this week

4 to 8 Number of weeks left in Danielle’s Pregnancy

18 Number of horse and buggies observed while driving through Shipshewana, Indiana

41 Number of consecutive days I have found at least 1 Geocache.

61 Total counties I have Geocached in

232 Miles to Grandma’s House. (Danielle had a Baby Shower This Weekend)

563 My Geocaching find count.

10,683.32 - 13,148.00 The 52 week range on the Dow Jones Avg.

$129,800 Current asking price for our house

133,742 Miles on the Saturn

$8,822,312,309,909.44 The Outstanding Public Debt as of 29 Apr 2007 at 10:26:22 PM GMT

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Mapping the Xenia Bike Trails in Google Maps

I have started mapping the bike trails around Xenia, using Google Maps. I hope to add more trails and landmarks soon. Feedback is welcome. Please let me know if any corrections are needed.

Spring time in Xenia

At least it's finally spring here in Xenia. This weekend has been filled with fun activities which included going to a Red's Game with Danielle, Ben and Ann, going a long bike rides, hiking at John Bryan State Park, geocaching and going to Udders & Putters at Youngs. The Red's game much to my surprise turned exciting when the Reds scored for the first time for single run home run with 2 outs in the bottom of the 9th to tie the game. Yeah for extra innings. We we glad it only took one extra inning for the Reds to pull off the victory. I rode over 14 miles one way on the bike trail from Xenia to Corwin. The first 14 miles where great, but the last 14 back were a bit taxing, I need to stop listing to the voices in my head the say go farther. Oh and yes, Danielle beat me at minigolf. As a soon to be father, I'm looking forward to doing all these fun things with our girl. Danielle continues to do very well with her pregnancy only 5-9 weeks or so left.

Freakonomic Blog

I stumbled onto a new blog site which has become on of my favorites, the Freakonomic blog site. This one is worth keeping up with and their book is excellent as well but I'll let their site do the advertising. I can't wait to read their new book.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

New Bike

Since Xenia has about 200 miles of connected paved bike trails, I thought it was time to upgrade to a nice new bike. I bought the Giant Cypress ST from K & G Bike Center in Xenia. The bike shop let me test ride several bike on the bike trail. This bike is very comfortable and great for using on the trails. I am very pleased that I can ride at 12-18 MPH, which will allow to me quickly reach several geocaches in the area.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Easter '07

Easter '07

Click Picture for more images and video.

Easter '07 will be remembered for the snow. After seeing temperatures in the 80's in Ohio we were greeted with snow for Easter. I guess with Michigan if we don't get a white Christmas, it will make up for it sometime. We had a great time with family. We were able to see most of the family at just two event which made this weekend very relaxed. I was able to go geocaching with dad on Saturday, and with Danielle while driving to and from Michigan. I was able to add 5 new counties to my list.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

IWU Visit

Danielle and I visited Alicia today at IWU. Man, they keep building and building more and more, it's crazy, they even took over Nebraska St. Their cafeteria and Cafe complex now rival most mall food courts. So many options from subs, the sandwiches, to pizza, to Mexican to Chinese and more it's just crazy! IWU also is building more dorms and classroom and a new college church.

We enjoyed our visit we played cards, watch Duck tails on DVD, played hockey-foosball and ping-pong. The best part of the pay was going the the best Ice-Cream shop I have ever been too, perhard the best in Midwest Ivanhoe's. Hmmm warm strawberry shortcake with fresh strawberries, warm shortcake and hard Vanilla ice cream. We we able to solve and find this geocache while eating ice cream. It doesn't get much better. Well, 70 degrees and summer would have been nice compared the snow covered roads in mid April. I also found two other Geocaches adding a total of 3 new counties to my list. It was a good day. Now to watch more Duck tails.