Sunday, February 22, 2009

Awana Swag

I have accumulated vast amounts of Awana pins and Awards. I am working a creating a web application so Awana nerds like me can display their Awana awards on their website. This is as far as I got today. This project is just in its beginning state. I'm looking for more pins to scan. If anyone wants to let me borrow yours, please let me know.

JD's Awana Awards

Awana SwagAwana SwagAwana SwagAwana SwagAwana SwagAwana SwagAwana SwagAwana SwagAwana SwagAwana SwagAwana SwagAwana SwagAwana SwagAwana SwagAwana SwagAwana SwagAwana SwagAwana SwagAwana SwagAwana SwagAwana SwagAwana SwagAwana Swag


Anonymous said...

ooo, ooo, I can help with this one!!

awana81 said...
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awana81 said...

Do I have collection for you