Sunday, September 30, 2007

Others Receiving Votes

With 2 wins against Penn St and Northwestern Michigan Football now has more wins this year than loses and for the second week in a row is included in the "Others Receiving Votes" section. My lucky brother got to see the Penn St game at the Big House. Major envy here. Kentucky Wildcats continue to pounce and are now ranked #8.

Vacation Pictures

Danielle, Lily and I were able to take a great Vacation to the Smoky Mountains. We enjoyed staying in a small cabin with a great view. We were able to make it to Clingman's Dome, Cades Cove, and Gatlinburg. Danielle also found great craft treasures. We were able to visit friends in Kentucky. All in all a very good trip.

The day we got back we were invited to a corn maze. I use to get paid to walk corn fields. Yesterday I paided to walk corn fields. Oh the irony. We had a great time. Enjoy the pictures.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ultimate Frisbee

Today I played on the Cedarville Computer Services Ultimate Frisbee team. Our team only had 7 players so I had to play the whole game. Man I'm out of shape. I guess bike ridding does not translate being in running shape. Oh well, We had a good time and only lost 15-10. Danielle and Lily even came to cheer us on.

In Economic News. The fed thought it was a good idea to devalue the dollar once again through cutting interest rates. The Canadian dollar today now will by 1 US dollar. The good news is that I'm sure I have about $4 Canadian leftover from our honeymoon that I bought for something like $3.25 back then. Silver is one to $13.33 or so, so my investment in 6 silver dollar coins is starting to pay off. So the moral of the story is: too many people with bad loans == bad for the economy therefore, lets lower the interest rate to encourage more people to borrow more $$$ so we can raise the rates again so we have more bad loans so we can lower the rates..... hmmm Good thing I am not the head of the Fed, I would just be lazy and set the rate at 6% and never change it, or even better yet let people buy and sell things with gold or silver and not have to do anything. OK end of Economic rant and time for bed. Good night moon.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


After two miserable weeks for college football, Michigan was able to make good on Hart's promise of victory. It was very nice to see yet another 38-0 shutout of Notre Dame. But even better was not to see a 0 in the wins column. Still no ranking yet not even in the "others receiving votes" section. But that is the way it should be. Next week is Penn St. Might a win there put Michigan in the "others receiving votes" section? On a related note the Kentucky Wildcats are 3-0, beating Louisville in a barn burning. Kentucky is now ranked 23rd. To all my friends in Wildcat country. Go Cats!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

More Pictures

I've gotten a bit behind on posting pictures. So here are 80! We had a good visit from my Parents and Grandparents last weekend.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

a good debate night for Ron Paul

Last night I let my obsessive nature get the best of me. I watched the Republican Debate and follow up last night from 9-midnight. I felt the Ron Paul did exceptionally well despite Fox News effort to dismiss him as an outside wacko. Ron Paul placed 1st in the text message poll by a margin of 15 %-pts out of 8 candidates. Incedently, Sean Hannity was wrong you could only vote once per phone, yeah I tried it. It became clear that the other candidates could no long ignore Ron Paul. Fox News did give him more time to speak than the last debates. Two other factors happened last night that I think had side effects that greatly enhance Ron Paul's chances of winning the republican nomination. Ron Paul hit the nail on the head on his first question. The question was about Fred Thompson. Fred Thompson in now officially in the race. Which does dilute the vote among the 8 other Pro-War candidates. Ron Paul is the only Republican against the war. Mike Huckabee also did very well according to the poll. He thinks that the war in Iraq was a mistake but we need to keep our troops over their to fix what *we broke.* So now with Fred Thompson in the race and Huckabee now joining the ranks of Rudy Giuliani, John McCain ,Mitt Romney. So now we have 5 candidates all fighting for pro-war voters which amount to about 30% of the population or about 75% of Republicans. If split evenly is 15% each. Ron Paul appeals to traditional *Pro-Peace*, non-interventionist Republicans, the young, Libertarians, non-voters and some Democrats. The pieces are falling into place for a Ron Paul Republican nomination. Any one else want to jump in the race and fight for votes among the *big 5*?

Here is another thought for Anti-war, pro civil liberty democrats who really don't care if Hillary, Obama or Edwards wins. If you think the war is immoral and must end then think about hedging your bets and momentary crossing over to the republican side and vote for Ron Paul in the primary? Think about it. If Ron Paul wins the primary no matter happens, even if the democrats happen to lose the election we can bring our troops home. Certainty Ron Paul must be better than Rudy or McCain!? You might even find you agree with a lot of what Ron Paul supports. Indeed Liberty is Popular. Government is not the solution Government is the problem. Watch Ron Paul Highlights.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

More Lily Pictures

We got a new camera for our anniversary since our older one was on the fritz. So here are some more cute pictures of Lily.

Three Lily Video's In One

I have gotten a bit behind on publishing videos of Lily. So since I am behind a took three movies which include tummy time, wading into Lake Michigan and talking time and combined them into one. This is over 6 minutes of raw unedited filming. Toward the end we get some great smiles. Hopefully next time, I'll have the ambition do to some editing.

Ode to Rachel

This is a great clip from the wedding reception of Rachel and Patrick Dudenhofer. So here you have it *Ode to Rachel* to the tune of Gilagins's Island.