Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Break 2007

I'm using my time off between the holidays this year to continue to unpack from our move and do some repairs and improvements to our house. Here are a few highlights.
  • Replaced the transformer in the door bell.
  • Assembled a computer armoire so the computer can be in the living room.
  • Installing a new sink in the 1/2 bath. (Still a work in progress)
  • Hooked up water to the fridge (we have ice but no water from the dispenser)
  • Light the pilot light or the fireplace.
  • Got the Saturn in the garage and more junk to the basement.
  • Measured electric usage with my new Kill a Watt device. An excellent Christmas present from my dad.
  • Shopping at the outlet mall.
  • Having fun with Lily.
Here are a few more pictures.

Lily enjoyed helping us out.

Fixing up the house

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas 2007

Danielle, Lily and I just got back from visiting family for Christmas up in Michigan. We had a dusting of snow, so I guess that counts a a white-green Christmas. We enjoyed visiting with our family and showing off Lily. I posted a few pictures for you all to enjoy. I'll post more later when my to do list gets shorter.

Christmas 2007

Monday, December 17, 2007

Is Freedom of light bulb too much to ask in America?

It looks like our beloved congress and president are going to sign the Energy Bill. A little-noticed provision of the energy bill is going to phase out the traditional light bulbs and replace it with an energy efficient bulb. Now I am all in favor of efficient light bulbs. I bought 30 compact florescent for our new home. According to the box I'll save nearly $1350 over seven years. But why is this a matter for Congress? I have a light bulb in the attic that is a traditional 60w bulb. It will be lucky to be on 3 hours a year. Why should I spend extra money for a efficient bulb in my attic. Some light fixtures don't have room for the efficient light bulbs and some people cannot stand the light that comes from florescent bulbs. Their might even be medical reasons to avoid florescent light. The law has terrible unintended consequences. I want the right to pick what light bulbs I use in my house. Why are we letting our country to be over run by bureaucrats? One more reason the vote for Ron Paul.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

We are now living in our home

As of Thursday night we have been living in our house. I'll be taking more pictures of the completed carpet later. But for now I have posted a few. We are in midst of a major Ohio snow storm complete with accumulations, rain, sleet and freezing rain so I need to leave for the apartment and get the last few things.

Home ~ We are in!

Sunday, December 09, 2007

House day 10 Fans, Fans, and more Fans

Danielle's Parents helped us out again today and we got all the painting finished in the rooms that need carpet. We also finished up 5 or 6 fans.

House day 10

Saturday, December 08, 2007

More House Pictures

Day 6

house Day 6

Day 7

Danielle, Karen, Rachel started painting color.

Day 8

House Day 8

Day 9

House Day 9

Special that the my Aunt Karen who worked diligently the whole week with us. And thanks to Brian, Patrick, Rachel, Nate, Eric, Dean and Ruth for all your help.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

I can't believe the number of people I know that actually want to vote for [Ron Paul]

“I can't believe the number of people I know that actually want to vote for him.” This was a statement made by a friend of mine about Ron Paul. He was saying this out of frustration. I am saying the exact same thing, but out of delight. I have known about Ron Paul for years and wished he would run for president. When I heard that he was running for president I was happy but figured he would only appeal to a few economic geeks like myself. After all who would vote for a guy that is anti-Iraq war, pro gold standard, pro-life and against nearly all types of government assistance and programs? Then I read on wikipedia that he a significant following on the Internet. The more I investigated the more support I found for him. I was amazed! There are people that feel the way I do. So why am I so passionate about him? Honesty and Consistency. If you listen to his speeches he says the same things, never pandering to the audience. I may not agree with everything he stands for, but I know where he stands and I know he is not going to change his mind. I wish the same could be said about our current president.

Ron Paul has the best foreign policy of all the Republican Party presidential candidates. I agree with his foreign policy, not because I’m simply against the war. I have carefully studied and researched foreign policy. While our intentions maybe noble, we cannot spread our good will through force or war. We can achieve much more in peace than we ever can in war. The terrorists of 9/11 didn’t attack us because they hate our freedoms or riches. They did not primarily attack of because of their religion. They are attacking us because they view our military actions in the Middle East as an occupation and threat to their holy land. We as Americans must understand this. “International pacifism” will achieve more trade, more friendships and perhaps lower prices at the gas pump and more peace. If we were to leave the Middle East, they would no longer view us as occupiers and lose their incentive to attack us. I’m not saying there will never be a terrorist attack, but there would be much fewer. The world will always have its nut cases. On 9/11 we lost 3000 people and several billion dollars in structures. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has cost us 5000 Americans, tens of thousands of Iraq’s and is approaching a trillion dollars of borrowed money, which Americans will have to pay for through taxes and inflation. How many more American soldiers are we willing to lose, how many families are we willing separate, and how many more dollars are we willing to borrow? If we ended our global military adventures, and had a strong defense at home we could save enough money to save social security and let the young opt out. With additional budget cuts we could even get rid of the income tax.

My friends, my support for Ron Paul is not some sort of hippy movement, but a result of diligent studying. I urge you to consider voting for this man for president. In October and November Ron Paul raised over 10 million dollars. This was more that the leading republican, Rudy Giuliani raised in the three months of July, August and September. December 16th will be another fundraising record for Ron Paul, which could push his fundraising total over 20 Million for the quarter. There are many people who feel very strongly about his chances to win. My hope is that this will be the election that will go down in history as the election where Americans said enough to the old way Washington is run.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Home Owners Day 2-4

Day 2

Day two I drove to Columbus and Cincinnati to pick on a Washer, Dryer, Side by Side Fridge and an Oven. We used Creg's List list and saved a lot of cash. I was thankful to have my coworker Devon help me on the trip to Cincinnati. He also helped us rip out most of the carpet. My camera wasn't working so we didn't get any pictures.

Day 3

I'll let the picture do most of the talking.

House day 3

Day 4
My Aunt Karen was able to help us prime and help with Lily.
House day 4