Ohio Secretary of State web site about the Issues with Arguments for and Against.
Issue 1
If approved, Issue 1 would raise the maximum age when one can become a judge from 70 to 75.
Issue 2
According to the League of Women Voters of Ohio Education Fund, Issue 2 would: “Affect public employees, in particular, teachers, firefighters and police. Prohibit public employees from striking, eliminate binding arbitration as a way to settle contract disputes, require performance based pay for teachers, establish a minimum that public employees must pay for health insurance and pensions, allow the governing body (public employer) to impose its own last offer to settle a contract dispute.”
A “yes” vote on Issue 2 would affirm Senate Bill 5, which was signed into law by Governor Kasich this year, and enact the provisions stated above.
Issue 3
Passage of Issue 3 would make it illegal for Ohioans to be forced to buy health insurance or participate in any health care system. This attempt to block key provisions of Obamacare would likely be challenged in federal court, but it would be a clear signal that Ohioans wish to assert their 10th Amendment rights against a blatantly unconstitutional and potentially disastrous overhaul of a huge portion of the national economy that would greatly diminish personal liberty for every American.
If approved, Issue 1 would raise the maximum age when one can become a judge from 70 to 75.
Issue 2
According to the League of Women Voters of Ohio Education Fund, Issue 2 would: “Affect public employees, in particular, teachers, firefighters and police. Prohibit public employees from striking, eliminate binding arbitration as a way to settle contract disputes, require performance based pay for teachers, establish a minimum that public employees must pay for health insurance and pensions, allow the governing body (public employer) to impose its own last offer to settle a contract dispute.”
A “yes” vote on Issue 2 would affirm Senate Bill 5, which was signed into law by Governor Kasich this year, and enact the provisions stated above.
Issue 3
Passage of Issue 3 would make it illegal for Ohioans to be forced to buy health insurance or participate in any health care system. This attempt to block key provisions of Obamacare would likely be challenged in federal court, but it would be a clear signal that Ohioans wish to assert their 10th Amendment rights against a blatantly unconstitutional and potentially disastrous overhaul of a huge portion of the national economy that would greatly diminish personal liberty for every American.
Greene County Issues
Issue 13
Xenia Community City School District
Emergency Levy- Additional
4.8 mills- five years- Commencing 2011 ($147/year on a 100,000 house)
Issue 14
Greene County Career Center
Permanent Improvements- Renewal
0.75 mill- five years- Commencing 2011 ($16/year on a $100,000 house )
Issue 15
Greene Memorial Hospital
Operating Levy- Renewal
0.5 mill- five years- Commencing 2012 ($13/year on a $100,000 house )
Xenia City Council 4 to Elect
John Caupp (Website)
Michael Engle
Josh Long (Website)
Dale Louderback (Website)
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