Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day '07

This father's day has become deeply reflective for me. I stand at a vantage point of looking back on my childhood memories with my Dad and looking forward to being a father in the very near future. I have much to thank my Dad for. My dad taught was the importance of many things which include:
How to have a relationship with God,
The value of hard work
The importance of Family,
How to make hard decisions,
The importance of understanding how money works, and how to avoid needless debt,
That nearly everything could be taken apart and fixed,
The fun of playing countless "side yard" football with my brother,
How to catch fish without using a bobber,
How to drive safely,
and how to be a father through example.

I can attribute my career path of computer programmer to my father. He taught how to use the Quick-Basic programming language when I was in 4th grade. He taught me the single line if statement, the goto statement, variable assignments, and math operations,the print statement and the sound statement. Believe it or not that we all we needed to solve me problems and have loads of fun. But most importantly it allowed me to program and build excitement for the endless possibilities of computer programming.

Thanks Dad. I love you.

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