I woke up to maybe an inch of new white fluffy snow on ground. It turned out to be yet another snow day for Xenia schools and yet another Wednesday without Awana. Having grown up in Michigan in laugh at nearly every snow day here in Ohio. I wonder if it is the location or paranoia inflation? Incidentally, I sold our truck last Friday. Danielle and I are down to just our faithful Saturn. 143K miles and going strong. We will be on the look out for a minivan or wagon type vehicle. For now I'm car pooling to work after a mile walk or bike ride or drive.
It looks very much like we are going to see 70's style stagflation soon and perhaps even worse. What is exceedingly frustrating is that we have not been able to learn from our past mistakes. For the sake a brevity here is what is going on in America. We as a county and individuals are borrowed way beyond what is prudent and what we can repay. Our Federal Reserve refuses to correctly address the problem and we are heading into a full scale inflationary period with high unemployment. What we must understand is that the because of low interest rates the Fed sets, more people borrowed money. Every time we borrow money form the bank, the bank gets to create most of that borrowed money out of thin air. The more money that gets created out of thin air the more price rise. I'm sure you all feel this what trying to budget grocery and gas money. What is really happening is that our dollar is becoming worth less and less. The price of oil has not increased compared to gold. What the Fed does when it lowers interest rates is the *anti*-Robin Hood. That is steeling money from the poor and middle class through inflation to give money through low interest loans to Wall Street. Seniors with CD's are going to see their interest rates drop and at the same time they see their medical bills skyrocket. The middle class is going to see the yearly raises grow less than the cost of living. We are approaching a crisis situation in America, they few of us understand. Ron Paul addressed the Fed today. Listen to what he has to say. What we must realize is that government cannot outsmart to market, we will have to pay for our debts.
I saw my first Total Lunar Eclipse tonight in the bitter cold temps in the single digits. The sky was cloudless and the stars were in their full beauty.
Our Awana Quizzing teams were able to capture 1st and 3rd place in T&T Book 2 today. There were 11 teams participating in book 2 and nearly 40 total teams from the Springfield, Ohio area. Major congratulations are in order for our T&T'rs. They put much effort and many practices into this endeavor. This was their first Awana quizzing meet and the first Quizzing meet for our church at Emmanuel Baptist in years. For the record we sent 2 1/2 teams for just book 2 and the event was staffed by perhaps the best Awana ministry team ever assembled.
Danielle and I have been busy working on projects in our new house. The major undertaking at the moment in removing the old torn wallpaper from the dining room. Man, that stuff was stuck on strong. Danielle and Rachel put many hours into it. I think I put about 30 minutes into it and had enough. Patrick helped me get the microwave installed. I'm been busy with other small but numerous tasks such as taxes and putting lights on and collecting old silver coins and maps. Lily has been busy learning to say mama, eating new foods, and attempting to crawl. Enjoy the pictures.
Danielle spotted this sign while we were driving in Xenia last night. I had to ride my bike today a get a picture of it.
This perhaps is the best sign I have seen in 2008, a true sign of our political times. I'm not sure what they are trying to tell us. Is this a prophecy? Are they Ron Paul supporters? Are they simply trying to get your attention? I did motivate me to finish my taxes today. At any rate, the sad fact is that the government is out of money and we have to borrow money from China or turn on the money printing press. Beware of hyperinflation.
Once again Dr. Paul delivered a powerful message about the importance of life, liberty, peace, small government and sound money. The first 4 and half minutes are his speech is amazing. It's includes him talking about his salvation and his prolife views on abortion. If you want you can listen to his whole speech here.